Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

Read this web page and using your worksheet on the 5 W's of Cyberspace, determine if this is a credible website. What is your opinion?

After reading this web page and examining it with the 5 W's, write and post a blog comment expressing your opinion. Be sure to defend your opinion with facts, background knowledge, and experiences.


  1. Hello Mr. Shortland's class. I am writing to wish you all the best in your blogging adventures. Enjoy!

  2. Hardy Har Har. Tree Octopus? I highly doubt it. Its' natural predators include the Bald Eagle and the Sasquatch. But how would the Sasquatch reach the octopus if it lives in a tree? It also says that the Tree Octopus absorbs water through its' skin, rarely returning to the water. Even with heavy precipitation, it's just not possible. This website is definitely a fake. Despite the credible appearance and information I'm almost sure this is a hoax.


  3. In my opinion I think this website is absolutely fake. The reason why I say this is because if this species was endangered it would be known all over the world. Also, octopus' live in water not on land, they need water to survive and be healthy or their skin would get dried out and they would not survive. Also, I don't believe that it has "ancestors originally evolved in the three dimensional environments." These are my reasons of why I believe that this site is not reliable and I would never read it again.

  4. My opinion on this website is that it is not real, nor incredible. There are many things about this website that does not sound at all possible.. Ex: The tree octopus makes a fashionable hat, it changes colour when their mood changes. Also, octopus' have to have water to survive in their living environment. This animal cannot be endangered because if it was it would be in the news, papers, internet or history ect. These are some of the reasons why I think this specie is not real.
    Thank you for listening :)

  5. That was an intersting page to look over. Tree Octopus's are a different sort of animal that you see everyday... as I have read, this poor animal is endangered just like many other. Tis a shame, the new borns have to find their own way of survival! I do believe that the information is false. This sort of animal can not live without water, they couldn't possibly live in a tree. Also the pictures are quite wrong.. different choice of interest.


  6. The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

    I believe that this web page is an unreliable and fictional source. First of all, the only octopuses in the world live in aquatic habitats. Secondly, on the bottom of this page, it states "this site is not associated with any school or educational organization..." which means that this source is not reliable enough to be a part of our educational programs. In other words, tree octopuses are makebelief. Thirdly, in grade six, this website was used as an example of an unreliable source. There are no clear and legible images or proof of tree octopuses being real. Therefore, this web page is not credible.

    Signed: peanut

  7. After reading this absurd article I am almost completely positive that the website is filled with false information. At the beginning of the article through out the first paragraph i was interested and starting to believe in “The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus”. Most of the statements in this article are stated and then later in the article were recreated as something different. For Example. Leon Zapato refereed to the “The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus” as a female but two females cannot mate and produce another Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. I did some research and throughout the 1920's there was no history of the Tree Octopus being a fashion statement. Although I believe this article was very unique, I do have my own opinion.

  8. This is not a credible source for information because as far as I know there is no such thing as a tree octopus. This talks about there predators being Sasquatch. There has never been any credible proof for the existence of either animal. There has been many posts on other websites explaning that this is a joke made in 1998 by Lyle Zapato. I belive that this artical is about a very fictitous animal. This website has all kind of animals that do not exsist.


  9. My opinion on this website is that this is not real or credible. In my opinion this website has many reasons why is it fake for example the predators of the Tree Octopus are the Sasquatch and the Bald Eagle. Also the Tree Octopus takes donations by take your one dollar bill why you hold it out for it to take. Also the Octopi have to live in water there is no way that it could survie in trees all its life. My main reason that i know that the tree octopus is fake is that a man named Lyle Zapato made this as a hoax in 1998. That is why I think that this website is fake and not credible.


  10. After reading this ridiculously funny article about “The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus ” I have came to the realization that this species was made up. This web page has based its article on a false and made up species. The dictionary states that “any octopod of the genus Octopus, having a soft, oval body and eight sucker-bearing arms, live mostly at the bottom of the sea.”, so because of this information it is impossible for a octopus to live outside the water. The article described “The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus ” as a female, but it also states that they mate; two females can’t reproduce. The article shows a picture stated 1923 that “The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus ” were used as hats, there has never been recondition of this crud fashion. Although this article is made up I rather enjoyed reading this and expressing my opinion. by plgbbc

  11. After reviewing this interesting blog I have decide d hat this blog is a fake because I believe the tree octopus DOES NOT exist. I believe this because there is no such animal called the pacific Northwest Tree octopus no matter where you search. my second reason is octopi are like fish they need water to survive. in tree's they would have to suck the water out of the tree's to get water and then they would still be to dry. Also the east side of the mountains is dry and the west is has the water. the Tree octopus never never existed it is said to be a made up and there is no proof of it. i don't know how anyone got the idea of a Tree Octopus. I thought it was rather long and I liked the idea of the octo-hat. it is different article and i enjoyed reading and expressing my opion


  12. The informational website on the Pacific Norhtwest Tree Octopus is not a credible website, and ridculously fake. My opinion why i think its fake because the Octopus family can not survive without water, they need water surroundings 24/7. Also, the website quickly became boring by the rambling on information. I tended to become unfocused. With a wide variety of fake facts one happened to stand out to me: they say that the Tree Octopus is not extinct but rare, how come people haven't heard more about these colour changing creatures. If this creature is actually real i would like to see one.


  13. My opinion on this website is that it is unreliable for any users using this site. First of all, octopuses can't live out of water, their body would rot and eventually collapse. Secondly, Peninsula is a hot dry country with extremely low vegetation and barley any green lands. Third of all, octopuses can't change colour from pink to blue or pink to red, it is highly impossible. This website is a biassed site that shouldn't be used by any users for any sort of research.

  14. My opinion on this website is that it is unreliable for any users using this site. First of all, octopuses can't live out of water, their body would rot and eventually collapse. Secondly, Peninsula is a hot dry country with extremely low vegetation and barley any green lands. Third of all, octopuses can't change colour from pink to blue or pink to red, it is highly impossible. This website is a biassed site that shouldn't be used by any users for any sort of research.

  15. I believe that this article is a non credible site. First of all, an octopus can not live out of the water because just like a fish they can not breathe on dry land. Secondly, the location in the article is not even a tropical rain forest, it is a very dry place with very little greens. Thirdly, there is no proof that an octopus has ever been located out of the water. These three reasons prove that this is a non reliable site for any use of any reader.


  16. I do not believe that the Tree Octupus is in any danger or even exists after reading this web article. The Tree Octupus is said to have two major enemies the Bald Eagle and the Sasquatch. The Sasquatch which is a fictional character would not be a danger to the Tree Octupus. If the sasquatch existed it is said that the Sasquatch lives in cold climates not tropic ones. The Bald Eagle aswell does not live in tropical rain forests. Therefore the Tree Octupus would be in no danger. Also it says that the rain forests are made of coniferous trees such as pine trees which is highly unlikely or possible for that matter. Rain forests are made of trees with leaves not trees with pine needles. The article also states at the bottom in fine print that "this site is not associated with any school or educational organization..." so it is basically claiming that the information is false and uncredible. Therefore I do not belive that this site is credible or should be used for informationale purposes.


  17. I beleive that this artickle is not true. First of all, i beleive that the squid and the octopus is in the samr family. They are both water animals. Second of all, It is impossible for an octopus to breath on land. An octopus needs water to survive. Thirdly, there is no proof that the octopus can breath out of the water. The only proof of an octopus is that it only can breath under water were its habitat is. It is obviously not reliable to most people in the world. I do not think that this is credible to the internet.

  18. this website also has comic and scary i would go on this website if i wanted to go on and learn about octapus this is a good website because kid can go on it and if you want to read a story about octapus you can go on this websiteorys

  19. After reading this article about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is fake because i never heard about a tree Octopus in my 14 years of life this species was made up this sight would be better if it was real and this sight has not went by the school organization i would rather go and look up stuff on a other sight becaus it would br more real and not greeny
